Bambalapitiya, Colombo

Sri Lankan Burgers Cafes

18 reviews

Anonymous's Review ‹ Back to VOC

Anonymous User

Firstly when people give corrective criticism they must know what they are talking about. Allow me to elaborate re Lamprais....the rice is "spot on" it should be the small grain samba ...next, the portion is absolutely correct "palm size" requiring 2 packs for a average man size eater....and yes! you goose there is no egg in a Lamprais and it HAS TO BE mixed meat. That's the original Lamprais....but of course you can go elsewhere and have a 800 gram "bath packet" also called Lamprais from many other stations with Egg and Roast Chicken among a host of other vegetables or sides. so.....next time a person reviews....double check that you know what you are talking about